Backup a Site Collection and List

Follow these steps for a List Backup through the GUI:

  1. Login to MSF1 and create a new folder under c:\back\exercise4.
  2. From Central Administration’s Backup and Restore page, click the ‘Export a site or list’ link.
  3. This will bring you to the Site or List Export page (SiteAndListExport.aspx). Notice the Readiness section, and be sure that it is reporting that no other exports are in progress, and the timer service is running.
  4.  In the Site Collection section dropdown, select http;//msf1, Then click ‘Change Site.’
  5. Choose the root site for http://msf1 and click OK.
  6. Click the drop-down for List, and click ‘Change List.’
  7. You’ll see a list of your lists in the Web page dialog box. Choose a list (such as your Shared Documents) and click OK.
  8. Enter file share \\msf1\back\exercise4and a file name .cmp before clicking Start Export.


Now let’s do the same for a Site, through PowerShell.

  1. Start the backup by typing:

Backup-SPSite -Identity http://msf1 -Path c:\back\exercise4\root.bak

  1. Press Enter.
  2. Repeat the previous command but this time add the verbose switch (-verbose) and, if you didn’t change the .bak name, the overwrite switch -force.

Keep these files to practice restore.

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